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Global Security Issues
last updated 18-Aug-2020

News articles and special reports related to mafias and organized crime in the United States and Canada. We cover mafia organizations as well as patterns of criminality such as racketeering, prostitution, assassinations, large-scale ponzi schemes, large-scale gambling related crimes, and money laundering. The Adverse Private Forces we primarily focus here are American, Italian-American, Indian-American, Chinese-American, Korean-American, Japanese-American, and Hispanic-American Mafias. Overlaps with drug-trafficking activities are to be found, so please browse that section too.



The motivation to expand and include a segment focusing on Adverse Private Forces (APFs) has it origins on a key argument put forward in the book Private Armed Forces and Global Security. The author of the book argues that a dichotomy in the private realm has emerged, whereby PMCs/PSCs legitimately work alongside state forces and multilateral actors deterring or counteracting the predatory advances of APFs. The author further suggests that the emerging and defining conflicts of the 21st century are likely to feature PMCs/PSCs (in partnership with state and multilateral forces) fighting against varied arrays of APFs. The main categories of APFs examined in the book and covered here are terrorist organizations, rebels and insurgents, pirates, mafias, and drug trafficking organizations. Thus, we hope this new segment will become a relevant resource to understand 21st century conflicts.



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